First Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Diamond Dinner
The 1st “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” Diamond Dinner started as a ministry in October 2010 in the basement of my home church, Emmanuel True Unto God Worship Center under the Leadership of Pastor Tony Gentry, as a Women’s Ministry which consisted of 20-25 young women. They received personalized invitations, personalized gifts, home-cooked 8-course dinner buffet and decorations fit for a queen. The purpose of this event was to remind the women how Fearfully & Wonderfully Made they really are regardless of their past or current negative situations and to pour hope, love, self-esteem and respect into their lives. During the event, tears began to stream down their eyes as they listened to the words being spoken into their lives and hearts.
After the event was over my heart was heavy and full -- I wanted to do more. My thoughts were, “if this small event effected this small group of ladies, imagine how many more women it could effect. Beginning of the next year, 2011, I reached out to venues who could accommodate larger settings and also contacted several agencies/facilities that housed or had programs for women starting at age 13. The Legacy of The Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Diamond Dinner began. We have been privileged to touch 1,000+ hearts over this last decade of sisterly service. Our goal for 2023 is to have 200+ women to attend the 10th Diamond Dinner Celebration.
When COVID-19 came upon us, it put a screeching halt to the Diamond Dinner. In December 2022 The “I Am A Diamond, Inc”, Non-Profit Organization, was formed. The Annual Diamond Dinner will be largest event of the year under this business to reach out to women to remind them that they are “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made!"