To inspire, encourage, uplift, and motivate women who have experienced any form of abuse, drug and alcohol addictions,
suicidal ideations/attempts, low self-esteem and homelessness to let them know their lives still matter by providing resources
for self-awareness, mental health, education and life-skills.
“Helping Women Find The Diamond Within”
December 2022 "I Am A Diamond," a non-profit organization, was established. With this organization, my endeavor
is to reach out to women to help them find the Diamond Within that was lost due traumatizing situations. This organization
will offer programs that assist with life skills such as training session on job interview preparation, properly write resumes, etc.,
connect to mental health services, educational and self-care programs/activities, and provide necessities such as feminine products,
hygiene, clothing, hair products, etc. throughout the year to organizations that house women and children. Also, to implement
a program for women being released from prison/jail to successfully reintegrate back into society.

I Am A Diamond
A personal testimony: Written by President & CEO
Carlotta Gentry
I once was lost and hopeless living in a world so dark.
Anger, hatred, bitterness, is what had filled my heart.
I used to look in the mirror and hate what I would see.
A dark, ugly, fat, depressed woman with low self-esteem looking back at me.
I was molested, a runaway, homeless -- slept in my car for weeks.
Seemed like my world was falling apart, I just couldn’t get on my feet.
My temper was short & I was filled with rage, would fight at a drop of a dime.
The path I was on, little did I know, in jail I would have been spending my time.
The trials and pressures of my life were too much for me to bare.
I stayed at home with a blanket over my head without one single care.
Pills, strangulation, suffocation, I tried to take my life try after try.,
A knife, a gun, nothing would work, I only wanted to die.
I hated myself, I didn’t want to live, I just wanted to be set free.
I didn’t know that hell was where I would spend eternity.
But GOD called me out of darkness into HIS marvelous light.
I knew if I could just grab hold of HIS hand, I would be alright.
You see, I was a Diamond in the rough even though I didn’t understand.
But I had to be formed under pressure, it was all in the Master’s Plan.
So, I stand before you today, A Diamond, living for GOD over 25 years,
When I think about all HE has done for me, my eyes fill up with tears.
Some people would never believe it until they hear my story.
I may not look like what I been through, to GOD be the Glory.
HE let me now through it all, I am a Child of The King.
And that would forever be safe under the Shadow of HIS Wing.
I want to encourage you beautiful ladies today, when you feel you just can’t take it:
With The LORD on your side and HIM as your guide, yes, you can make it.
No matter what you may experience GOD said HE will never leave or forsake you.
When you feel alone, don’t know what to do, just know HE’s carrying you through.
When you read this today and go on with your busy day
just keep in your mind, heart, and spirit…
I Am A Diamond… That Has Been Fearfully & Wonderfully Made